Controlling my garage door with Elixir and Nerves

I’ve wanted to learn Elixir for years now and have been looking for a little project to explore with. The best way to learn a new language for me is to solve a concrete problem I have. Toy apps don’t work for me.

I’ve also been following the Nerves project and am really interested in using Elixir/Erlang OTP model for embedded projects. Elixr/Erlang’s expect failures and deal with them mantra really fits well with the embedded world. I’ve dabbled with embedded development for a long time and have always preferred to reach for C. It’s super lightweight and tiny, but also super easy to screw up. With the availability and low cost of more powerful systems like Raspberry Pi Zero, you can more easily afford to move up to a higher-level language like Elixir without making too many trade-offs (yes I know MicroPython exists).

Automating my garage door seems like the perfect excuse to finally do something with Elixir and Nerves. I can’t see my garage door from inside my house and I’m always wondering if it’s open or closed. I could buy a $50 retail sensor/switch to do this, but that’s not fun and it won’t help me learn Elixir. I’ve also used a homebridge setup to do this in the past, but the homebridge ecosystem is maddening. Any given plugin has at least a dozen variants and finding the one that’s been updated in the past decade is a chore.




Let’s start with the sensor. Something that will tell me if the garage door is open or closed. The simple way to do this is with a magnetic reed switch. It’s a switch that has two contacts and a long thin metal reed and opens and closes the switch in the presence of a strong magnet. I mounted the sensor on the frame of the garage door and the magnet onto the door itself.

The one I’m using has screw terminals for NC (normally closed) and NO (normally open) configurations. I’m using it in NO mode so the system will fail open. That way if the wires become disconnected for any reason, it will indicate that the door is open. What I don’t want is for something to fail and indicate the the door is closed when it isn’t.

Nerves has CircuitsGPIO for interacting with your board’s general purpose input/output pins; that’s what we’ll use here. Install it by adding it to your mix dependencies:

  {:circuits_gpio, "~> 0.4"}

I’ve created an Elixir module called Garage.DoorSensor that implements the GenServer callbacks required for this. The GenServer abstraction is always the piece I’ve struggled with in Elixir. Here’s the minimum setup needed to sense the door state. It’s all GenServer callbacks:

defmodule Garage.DoorSensor do
  use GenServer
  require Logger

  @sensor_pin 26

  def start_link(_) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__)

  def init(_) do
    {:ok, gpio} =, :input, pull_mode: :pullup)
    Circuits.GPIO.set_interrupts(gpio, :both)
    {:ok, %{gpio: gpio}}

  def handle_info({:circuits_gpio, @sensor_pin, _timestamp, value}, state) do"Garage door is #{value}")
    {:noreply, state}

The init funciton is called when the GenServer process starts. It sets up the pin our sensor is connected to and configures an interrupt (a function that will be called when the pin state changes) to handle the state changes. What isn’t super clear here for Elixir/Nerves newcomers is that the interrupt is a GenServer info message. This isn’t explicitly documented anywhere. I had to look at the CircuitsGPIO examples and search though other Github repositories to sort this out.

I’ve connected to two leads of the sensor to pin 26 and ground. When the switch/door is open, pin 26 is connected to ground.

Activating the opener

Controlling the door opener relay is a lot simpler—it’s just a function call (Circuits.GPIO.write). I did wrap this up into a GenServer module in order to store the GPIO reference:

defmodule Garage.DoorSwitch do
  use GenServer
  require Logger

  @switch_activation_time_in_ms 500
  @switch_pin 4

  def activate do
    GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, :activate)

  def start_link(opts) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: __MODULE__)

  def init(_state) do"Door switch init...")
    {:ok, gpio} =, :output)
    {:ok, %{gpio: gpio}}

  def handle_cast(:activate, state = %{gpio: gpio}) do"Activating door switch...")
    Circuits.GPIO.write(gpio, 1)
    Circuits.GPIO.write(gpio, 0)

    {:noreply, state}

There’s also the on/off timing logic. We can’t just turn the relay on—that’d be like mashing down the opener button and never letting go. We want to simulate a button press. I chose 500ms (half a second) and it seems to work fine.

There are more GenServer callbacks here. Just like in Garage.DoorSensor, we have start_link and init. In this module we’re using GenServer.cast because we don’t need a response. It’s just call-and-forget.

The other difference here is that we’ve added a public API—the activate function. This is the GenServer pattern you’ll encounter: define public API functions and implement them in GenServer callbacks using the appropriate callback flavor (call, cast, and info).

Tying it all together

The other bit of GenServer that has confused me in the past is how to start these processes up. My poor old programmer brain sees the world in OO. I’ve been thinking of these Elixir processes as object instances. You “instantiate” them and send them messages, right? So where do these things get intstantiated? The supervision tree. Your generated Nerves project skeleton will come an application file (Garage.Application in my case). This is where these child processes are defined and configured. Here’s an abbreviated version of what I’m using:

defmodule Garage.Application do
  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do
    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Garage.Supervisor]

    children =
        {Garage.DoorSensor, []},
        {Garage.DoorSwitch, []}
      ] ++ children(target())

    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
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